вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

Kynoselen new

(Kynoselen) Kynoselen was one of those strange quasi-legal, gray-market drugs that are used in races, that his way of anabolic arsenal of many athletes and bodybuilders. I will be frank and say that its effects are generally better for those who are already fairly lean and muscular. I noticed through my research that the biggest factors in reducing the use of things is that there is not much (aesthetics) of those whose bodyfat is too far beyond 12%. More than 15% and I will go as far to say kynoselen is a waste. Its combustion properties of fats occur in proportion to how the meat you are a. This will help vascularity, if you are also meat. It seems that women have many more followers of this material as compared to men, in general, but it's probably because they are generally aimed at a relatively lower income than men, and therefore much more satisfied with few pounds of meat or stronger increases. Again, a thin woman 125lbs, 5lbs lean mass is noticeableâ € "much more than men, more than twice the size. Let us unpack Kynoselen bottle and see what follows: AMP (adenosine monophosphate) is that I think the main active ingredient Kynoselen. It is a source of phosphorus. It combines 2 phosphate atoms of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which provides an immediate source of cellular energy. AMP lipolysis AIDS (1), or the burning of fat, and itâ € ™ s perhaps the inclusion of ingredients that make Kynoselen in force, the deepest. It also has the ability to convert to ATP, or adenosine tri-phosphate. ATP is the main carrier of energy in the cells and most cells die quickly in the absence thereof. ATP, in turn, feeds the muscles. This is probably why Kynoselen users are reporting increased energy levels. " Magnesium aspartate plays an important role in muscle activity (5) (6), which explains why it is in high demand with many strength athletes. When Dan Duchaine made to complete the recommendations of almost ten years in the muscle media it was on the list. Magnesium activates the enzymes necessary for metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids, which leads to the synthesis of proteins. Heptaminol also included in this training. It allows the dilation of coronary vessels and could therefore act as a sort of aid for the transport of oxygenated blood (4). I am sure that is partly why it was given to race horses as a wellness tonic. " Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B-12) was included in Kynoselen and bodybuilders and other athletes have known about this substance in the improvement of energy and stimulate appetite. Lack of this vitamin leads to anemia, it is always a good idea to include in your diet. In the injectable version is also very popular. Selenium is an antioxidant and has been used as a protective agent in the spinal cord. I think that the persistence of race horses, with no injuries will be very important to their owners, so that its inclusion in training. Potassium aspartate: Well, we know that potassium prevents you from cramping, and again, as we see in the complex is given to racehorses, it is logical to assume that the chip breeder / owner wishes to prevent his horse battle, while millions of dollars on line in the race. Potassium is also involved in most functions of the heart, and may act in synergy with magnesium to help muscle activity (7). View Kynoselen ingredients, it is easy to understand why it is used for racing, and I think its use in athletics rather similar obvious. Sprinters and athletes can benefit from their energy production from various substrates, and the ingredients are added to increase the strength of skeletal muscle retraction. I have heard of some pretty decent growth in the use of complexity, and, of course, it has found its place in many powerlifters' cycles. For bodybuilders, its benefits are very different. It seems that the most widely used for the PCT, it can be used in conjunction with our AI SERMs and maintain profits by increasing our ability to continue to use the weights that we obtained from the waist down while we were in the anabolic. 100ml Kynoselen occurs as a multiple-use vial. Generally, athletes and bodybuilders pay $ 50 - $ 75 for it, and put between 1-3mls days. The only complaint I heard about this, that it hurt to give it, I recommend the injection with an equal number of B-12. References: 1. Extracellular adenosine-cyclic AMP in isolated adipocytes and adipose tissue. Obes Res. 13 June 2005 (6) :974-81. 2. Effect of prolonged anaerobiosis on 125I-insulin binding in rat soleus muscle: permissive effect of ATP. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, December 1978, 235: 606 - 613. 3. Reducing the synthesis of fatty acids, due to mitochondrial uncoupling in adipose tissue. FASEB J. 2000 Sep; 14 (12) :1793-800. 4. [Heptaminol hydrochloride carrier epithelium] Can J Physiol Pharmacol. July 1990, 68 (7) :791-9. French. 5. CaATP as substrate to investigate the hypothesis of the myosin lever arm of the force. Biophys J. 2000 Mar; 78 (3) :1474-81. 6. Effects of osmolality and ionic strength on the mechanism of Ca2 +-release in the skin, skeletal muscle fibers of toad.J Physiol. May 1993; 464:629-48. 7. Decreased muscle strength and contents of Mg and Na, K-pumps in chronic alcoholics occur independently of liver cirrhosis.J Intern Med. 2003 Mar; 253 (3) :359-66.

Ketotifen new

Ketotifen new
(Ketotifen) Ketotifen was made popular by its ability to inhibit the regulation of beta receptors caused by drugs like clenbuterol. Clenbuterol, Albuterol and ephedrine used to cyclic and off because they desensitize the various receptors they act on their lipolytic effect. Ketotifen would allow the use of such products of combustion of fat is much longer. If you read my writings on clenbuterol, you already know that Benadryl (the anti-histimine) can also be used for the same purposes, and 10 times less expensive and more accessible for most people. So why did I bother to write about Ketotifen at all? Ketotifen in the medical community is also recognized its ability to reduce the level of cytokines in the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which is a catabolic hormone, although Benadryl has not provided as I know. TNF-alpha-testosterone and reduces IGF-1 (3) (4), and exercises student levels of TNF-alpha (5). TNF-alpha also showed increased resistance to insulin, which we certainly do not want. Ketotifen is used people suffering from diseases, in part because of the loss of TNF-alpha. I think, however, its ability to reduce TNF-alpha will be overshadowed by the anabolic effects of anabolic steroids. In a study involving AIDS patients, combining ketotifen and oxymetholone (Anadrol 50) showed that ketotifen is not much to add to oxymetholone induced weight (1). So you're reading this profile of "Ancilliaries" part of the book, and not "burn fat" part, even if Kktotifen generally used in the cycle, the burning of fat, including Člen . Benadryl just too cheap and readily available for use in the ketotifen is a place with Člen. However, after the treatment cycle, ketotifen and its ability to reduce TNF-alpha, is an invaluable tool. You see, Hypogonadism ( low testosterone) is often accompanied by elevated levels of TNF-alpha (6), and after the cycle of anabolic steroids, you're in the hypogonadal state, with elevated TNF-alpha. Thus, taking with ketotifen PCT, probably good idea. I recommend 1-3mgs/day before bedtime, because this story will be very drowsy. References: 1.Oxymetholone promotes weight gain in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection.Br J Nutr. January 1996; 75 (1) :129-38 .2. T. Smart GMHC Treat Issues. May 1995, 9 (5) :7-8, 12. 3. Mauduit C, et.al Endocrinology June 1998, 139 (6) :2863-8 4. Lang CH et.al Growth Horm IGF Res August 2001, 11 (4) :250-60 5. And Pedersen BK. Al Exerc Immunol Rev 2001, 7:18-31 6. Malkin CJ et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab. July 2004, 89 (7) :3313-8.


Ketotifen was made popular by its ability to inhibit the regulation of beta receptors caused by drugs like clenbuterol. Clenbuterol, Albuterol and ephedrine used to cycling on and off because they desensitize the various receptors they act on their lipolytic effect. Ketotifen would allow the use of such products of combustion of fat is much longer. If you read my writings on clenbuterol, you already know that Benadryl (the anti-histimine) can also be used for the same purposes, and 10 times less expensive and more accessible for most people. So why did I bother to write about Ketotifen at all? Ketotifen in the medical community is also recognized its ability to reduce the level of cytokines in the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which is a catabolic hormone, although Benadryl does not have the best of my knowledge. TNF-alpha-testosterone and reduces IGF-1 (3) (4), and exercises student levels of TNF-alpha (5). TNF-alpha also showed an increase in insulin resistance, which we certainly do not want. Ketotifen and Weigh Loss Ketotifen is used people suffering from diseases, in part because of the loss of TNF-alpha. I think, however, its ability to reduce TNF-alpha will be overshadowed by the anabolic effects of anabolic steroids. In a study involving AIDS patients, combining Ketotifen and oxymetholone (Anadrol 50) showed that Ketotifen adds little to the oxymetholone induced by the weight (1). So you're reading this profile of "Ancilliaries" part of the book, not a "Grease - The share, if Ketotifen, generally used in the cycle, the burning of fat, including clen. Benadryl just too cheap and readily available for use Ketotifen up with Člen. However, for the post-cycle therapy, Ketotifen and its ability to reduce TNF-alpha, is an invaluable tool. You see, Hypogonadism (low testosterone) is often accompanied by elevated levels of TNF-alpha (6), and after the cycle of anabolic steroids, you're in the hypogonadal state, with elevated TNF-alpha. Thus, taking Ketotifen with the PCT is probably a good idea. I recommend 1-3mgs/day before bedtime, because this story will be very drowsy. References: Oxymetholone promotes weight gain in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection. Br J Nutr. January 1996; 75 (1) :129-38. T. Smart GMHC Treat Issues. May 1995, 9 (5) :7-8, 12. Mauduit C, et.al Endocrinology June 1998, 139 (6): 2863 -. Lang CH et.al Growth Horm IGF Res August 2001, 11 (4) :250-60. And Pedersen BK. Al Exerc Immunol Rev 2001, 7:18-31. Malkin CJ et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab. July 2004, 89 (7) :3313-8.


(insulin) Insulin is one of the most powerful anabolic agents in the world. Used properly, it can add weight to you faster than any other compound at our disposal. B insulin properly will kill you. Before we delve too deeply into the explanation of this subject, I think it is important to emphasize that last part: a screw with this thing, and we die. You go into a coma and death. And I am talking about is simply too much of this material once. Ok? This medicine should be treated with caution. If you're not ready to go to maximum insulin before using it, you're not ready to use it at all. So first, let's talk about floating around the insulin in your body now, and what it does, then we will talk about how to add exogenous insulin (insulin because the body) can help. Insulin is a protein released until the pancreas, which acts on the liver to stimulate the formation of glycogen from glucose and to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates in non-glucose. Insulin has also contributed to the spread of glucose by the cells to insulin receptors, and, of course, this means that the muscles (1). As you can imagine, very high concentrations of insulin were reasonably lead to significantly stimulate the synthesis of muscle proteins (2) (3) (4) (9). This occurs mainly on the gradual improvement of the peptide chain initiation (11). This property, and its results, perhaps making it more interesting bodybuilders and athletes. The reason is that these factors have combined to make the protein is more effective in facilitating the transport of amino acids in muscle cells. Ergo, we can clearly say that insulin is clearly anabolic in muscle tissue. It also has anabolic effects in bone and thereby increasing bone density, and (8). Another mechanism by which insulin is anabolic body to increase your IGF (Insulin-like growth factor) levels (6). IGF is an anabolic hormone. Another surprising aspect of the use of insulin is its ability to increase both LH (Leutenizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which, in turn, stimulate the production of testosterone. What did I get here is that insulin stimulates the secretion of gonadotropin, which means that May actually HPTA anabolic effects by increasing your ability to stimulate the production of testosterone (the hypothalamus-pituitary -testicles-Axis) (11) This effect is often evident virilization (development of male sexual characteristics) in women. Insulin also increases the ability of the anabolic steroid binding to androgen receptors (14), which would obviously strongly suggests the possibility of a synergistic effect of insulin in combination with steroids. Most people also think that insulin has several anabolic synergy in combination with growth hormone, and, of course, there are many examples to prove it too. In addition to anecdotal research, it is important to note that insulin is indeed so that anabolic steroids, some researchers have suggested that growth hormone (GH), the ability to stimulate protein synthesis be due in May in part to the ability of GH to increase insulin sensitivity (12). Admittedly, the complex relationship between insulin and GH IFR is very synergistic and are interconnected with each other (13) (15) (16) (17). Using all three of them, and anabolic steroids, fat burner and most powerful weight and burning fat cycle is possible. Of course, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Unfortunately, the bad news is that insulin can stimulate adipose (fat) storage. In general, although the majority of bodybuilders take insulin for fat burners, or 2 (Thyroid MEDS are the most popular choice) and anabolic steroids, and sometimes even the GH and IGF for reasons already explained. All this is in addition to reducing the likelihood that the fat is stored, and a significant increase in the amount of muscle, which will be realized. Anyway, as you probably guessed, the endogenous insulin (material naturally in the body) is working on a response from your body. When glucose levels high, which is what happens when you eat sugary snacks, then release of insulin beta cells. When glucose is low, insulin, of course, at a low level. Indeed, just add the liquid glucose liquid amino acid meal (which enhances the level of insulin) that increase the absorption of amino acids is 50%! (7) Now, consider this: If the answer to natural insulin glucose ingestion can give you a better absorption of 50% of protein, think about how much the absorption of proteins, which gives you the injection .. So now that we have some understanding of the endogenous insulin, we will try to understand what may be the exogenous insulin (the kind you get from the bottle ..). Medicine, of course, insulin for diabetes ... Diabetes is becoming a real danger of misuse of insulin. First, I'll give you some clinical examples of insulin was used as an anti-catabolic agent. The first study I read, insulin levels increased by 15 times in children suffering from extreme catabolism. This level of insulin produced a 32% reduction in protein breakdown (4). In the second study, I read the exogenous insulin muscle protein prevents loss of momentum of victims (5). It is important to note that you must have sufficient amino acids (proteins) in the body to insulin have anabolic effects. If there is a lack of amino acids circulating in the body of your last meal, insulin will not be at all anabolic steroids. On the other hand, if the concentrations of amino acids are kept in normal or high, as they would in a typical athlete or bodybuilder nutrition, pure protein in the muscle will occur (more protein stored in your muscle = more muscle gained). This effect of insulin storage protein in muscle is due mainly to the stimulation of protein synthesis and the inhibition of protein degradation (10). The lesson here is that even with insulin, food is the key to all this. You need enough protein to build muscle, regardless of the amount of insulin you take. Let's quantify this a bit. What can we say about the anabolic and anti-catabolic properties of insulin? Can we put solid numbers on this? Sure. The next chat, you can see, that makes your insulin balance of the protein in much better condition, and simultaneously reduced inhibition of protein degradation lysosomal pathway (it is its anti-catabolic ) (11), and increases protein synthesis (which is its anabolic effect). Protein kinetics. The balance of protein degradation and synthesis rates are presented (in nmol phenylalanine "min 1 100 ml 1). Values are means ± SE of base (open bar) and the last 30 minutes of infusion of insulin (filled bars) from 3 different rates of infusion of amino acids (in ml "1 minute" 1 kg) (* P <0.05 and ** P <0.01 against the duration of infusion base) . (5) What this chart tells me that insulin can effectively use a large number of proteins, in addition to what your body can normally be used, and if you decide to use insulin, you should take at least 2.2g/kg of the body, and preferably 3-4.5g/kg of the body. So now we know how insulin works and why, and how it works. Ok, can check how to use it. I'll give you two basic ideas about how safe to use insulin as well as a third "hybrid idea" and "dirty little trick on how to use insulin with a cyclic ketogenic diet, to start ketosis in earlier. How do you decide to use, remember, insulin has the ability to stimulate fat storage, make sure to use anabolic steroids are with him, because they are mainly protein and nutrients to be used to build lean mass of adipose tissue (fat). Personally, I would also like to use a thyroid medication (Synthroid) to ensure that none of my insulin injections will put any fat on me. If you paid attention until now, I'm sure I need not tell you that GH and IGF is also very powerful (and expensive) addition to any stack containing insulin. If all this does not whet your appetite, while insulin, GH and IGF are undetectable on drug tests! Currently, speculation how to test, but nothing coherent has been established. I think a lot of high-level "natural" bodybuilder attended the insulin, GH and IGF. So now we know something about insulin, we will see what is good for fitness purposes or sport, as there are several types of insulin are available and choose the type is of importance paramount. Basically, there are 5 types of insulin, we will consider, and these, we will choose the type that best meet our goal of strength training: Insulin Humalog and Humulin Humalog (insulin lispro inj.) Acting insulin fastest available Humulin-R (insulin regular), has a short duration of exposure Humulin N (insulin NPH) insulin is an intermediate length Humulin-U (average zinc suspension) is another intermediate length insulin Humulin-U, utalente (Long Zinc Suspension) long-acting insulin (* There is also a mixture of two or more of these types of insulin in a short or something in between) 6 Of these options, the first, apparently, is the best and safest, but this type of insulin is (unfortunately) only available on prescription, and receive it through a typical source of steroids (which usually means the e-mail) is not recommended because you can not be sure it was properly stored and refrigerated in the whole process of shipping and handling. Needless to say that attempts to form a recipe for this equipment is very bad idea. Our next best option for the injection of insulin Humulin-R is that we will use. Humulin R is available without prescription from any pharmacy. This material is relatively quick to the point and, therefore, easier to treat than other forms of insulin, there are some very long, or have ups and rays throughout their length, and, as as such, is too difficult to manage and control. The first and most obvious to use insulin for its anabolic effect is to take a little at each meal, maybe 1-2iu up to 5-6 times a day (insulin is measured in international units, not MGS as with anabolic steroids). Thus, you should receive the greatest benefit of insulin, in May at each meal and at least the risk is too great, and goes into shock. Of course, some bodybuilders have reported 20-40iu/day up, but I would not recommend unless you are very experienced, and your diet in order. You want to take some essential fats, a good mix of carbohydrates (ie, carbohydrates different glycemic index), and at least 40g of protein at every meal, when you use this method of using insulin. And obviously you want to work with this amount, the use of insulin, possibly adding 1iu a day until you reach this level you are comfortable with. This is true for any method of application of insulin, I was put in place. The second way you can use it to take insulin 1iu load of food, eventually working up 1iu/10kgs of the body. Using this method, you want to shake after the training, which consists of about 100-200g of blend of carbohydrates and 40-50 grams of protein ... m, do not forget the small number of core lipids to shake. I used the insulin in a way, with anabolic steroids and thyroid med, and found in order to increase the benefits of my cycle, about 15-20% compared to the same cycle , which does not include insulin. The last method is to use the first method, but the second. Thus, you will be taken in the 1-2ius at each meal and before 1iu/10kgs body burden of food. This will ensure maximum effectiveness of each mouthful of food you eat, but in a sense, is the most dangerous, and it is necessary to control blood glucose. If you are tired after the shooting, you need to get carbohydrates in the mixture quickly (Gatoraid and some cereal bars and / or candy), it is a good idea for these sorts of things about you, as an assurance that your blood sugar is not too low. You do not want to take this at night before bedtime, because you do not know if your blood sugar is low, and do somnolence (ie, you could face hypoglycemia, and go into a coma), or you're tired, because it is normal to go to bed. And this little dirty trick, I told you about ... small amount of insulin can be taken at the start of a cyclical ketogenic diet, with your first meal of the day to begin. This meal will be fat and carbohydrate protein and only 2-4iu insulin would be taken. The following foods, you can use half the dose of insulin, as you did on your first meal. The result will be that you could be in ketosis until the end of this first day, as usual, when it takes 2 or even 3 days to complete. The use of insulin, which is very dangerous, and even called the "Death Wish diet" Dan Duchaine .. Which method you use, do not forget your insulin refrigerated, that insulin is rapidly degraded outside of refrigeration environment. Do not leave this material out of the refrigerator too long, either. Insulin syringes The second thing you do not want the regular use of syringes for the introduction of insulin. YOU NEED pins insulin dose precisely this subject, it should be noted, too can be fatal, and you can use syringes to the introduction of steroids are too large to measure units of insulin. Insulin is administered by subcutaneous injection (under the skin, but over the muscles), as needles are simply too big for that. Insulin (or at least, Humulin-R) are not substances, and you should be able to buy at a local pharmacy rather cheap: a multi-use 10cc bottle dosed at 100iu/cc cost about $ 50 . References: Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6 th edition, John W. Hole hyperinsulinemia unmasks insulin effect to stimulate protein synthesis in humans forearm.Am. J. Physiol. 274 (Endocrinol. Metab. 37): e1067, E1074, 1999 Violation of the anabolic response of muscle protein synthesis associated with human S6K1 dysregulation in elderly people. FASEB J. October 2004, 18 (13) :1586-7. Epub 2004 Aug 19. Intravenous insulin, a decrease in proteolysis in neonates on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.J Pediatr Surg. June 2004, 39 (6) :839-44, discussion 839-44. DEEP hyperinsulinemia stimulates protein synthesis in severely injured muscle Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. April 2004, 286 (4): E529-34. Epub 2003 Dec 9. Insulin: the other anabolic hormone of puberty. Acta Paediatr Suppl. December 1999, 88 (433) :84-7. Review. Contribution of amino acids and proteins to insulin during meal absorption anabolism. Diabetes. 1996 Sep; 45 (9) :1245-52. Anabolic effects of insulin on bone suggest the role of chromium picolinate in preservation of bone density.Med assumptions. 1995 Sep; 45 (3) :241-6. Review. Physiological hyperinsulinemia stimulates protein synthesis and improves the transport of certain amino acids in human skeletal muscle. J Clin Invest. 1995 Feb; 95 (2) :811-9. Insulin action on protein metabolism.Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab. October 1993, 7 (4) :989-1005. Review. Chronic Hyperandrogenism and / or managed by the central nervous system on insulin and ovarian manifestation and gonadotropin secretion by steroids. Fertil Steril. April 2005, 83 Suppl 4:1319-26. Metabolic effects of human growth hormone. Metabolism. October 1995, 44 (10 Supplement 4) :33-6. Clinical uses of insulin-like growth factor I Ann Intern Med. 1994 Apr 1; 120 (7) :593-601. Binding methyltrienolone in the androgen receptor in human skin fibroblasts growing insulin.J Androl. 1992 May-June, 13 (3) :242-8. Are the metabolic effects of GH and IGF-I separable? Growth Horm IGF Res. 2005 Feb; 15 (1) :19-27 IGF-1 and insulin, and growth hormones.Novartis Found Symp. 2004, 262:56-77, discussion 77-83, 265-8. Review Different effects of endogenous and exogenous sex steroids on insulin-like growth factor I response to growth hormone to short normal adolescents.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. December 2004, 89 (12) :6185-92


Insulin like growth factor 1 - Somatomedin C IGF1 is a polypeptide hormone of the same size as insulin, or 70 amino acids, is a member of the super-family. " No, this is not the same family belongs to Clark Kent, but this family of substances identified as growth factors. It is a highly anabolic hormone released primarily in the liver (but also in peripheral tissue) to stimulate growth hormone (GH). He is responsible for most anabolic steroids, growth hormone activity, including the retention of nitrogen and protein synthesis (12), and the muscle cell hyperplasia (an increase in the number muscle cells) and mitogenesis (the growth of new muscle fibers). It can also cause hypertrophy of skeletal muscle by activating phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)-Akt pathway (9). Indeed, the IGF-1 acts on various tissues in order to accelerate economic growth through several mechanisms. It is also important to note that the GH and IGF-1 are linked, they produce many different effects (5). In May, you know, levels of GH and IGF, as a sharp increase during the next event, and this could be an important factor in the anabolic effects of weight training. Indeed, IGF-1 in May possibly be used as a substitute for anabolic GH (2) in many cases. IGF-1, therefore, necessary, and sufficient muscle growth (anabolic) (1) and has been shown also extremely anti-catabolic, and (2) (3). As with all anabolic substances, IGF-1 in the anabolic effects are still limited to the protein (amino acids) to the supply of muscle cells (6) (7). Thus, as might be expected, IGF works much better if you eat enough protein. IGF1 May special interest to athletes, that in May, increasing their ability to acquire new skills and techniques relevant to their sport. You see, the IGF is known neuroprotector and neuropromotor (13) (14) (15), which means that new knowledge can be learned more quickly IGF use, and for the elderly, some of the cognitive effects of aging may be staved off, or perhaps completely stopped the administration of IGF1. It also has interesting implications for the medical community, the study of Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. This is because there are IGF receptors in the brain (16) and in motor neurons (17). It should also be noted, and is of special interest to athletes and bodybuilders, to rehabbing the injury is that IGF is vital to the proper production of connective tissue, the IGF and the exogenous administration in May to improve the formation of collagen and help to repair cartilage. (19) (18). IGF is also vital for good bone density and bone density regulation (20). IGF administration May be useful for the reconstruction of a common injury suffered by athletes and bodybuilders, and would significantly reduce recovery time and increase the strength of the reconstructed area. So, now we have a basic idea that the IGF, and how it works, so I think we can think about how it works, and what results can we expect from him. Although I was a (limited) study of this complex, I found a study on the sole condition that the type of answers we seek. This study examined the injection in the complex, which is responsible for directing the expression of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in differentiated muscle fibers. Researchers found that IGF-I expression promotes an average increase of 15% of muscle mass and increase of 14% the number of young adult mice. It is gratifying to be able to save a few rooms of the complex, no? But these effects are not all that researchers have found. IGF also seems to avoid changes associated with aging in the muscle of adult mice old! These older mice had increased 27% compared to the force uninjected old muscles. Muscle mass and fiber type distributions were maintained at levels similar to those of young adults. The researchers assumed that these effects are due mainly to the stimulation of muscle regeneration via the activation of satellite cells IGF-I (8). Regardless of the mechanism of action, the results of this study is very interesting. A 15% increase in muscle mass, and 14% more, because a slight increase. Consider this if you are a typical 100 kg (220lbs) bodybuilder, you will be 115 kg (250lb) bodybuilder these types of results after the IGF-1! If you were a better Powerlift bench press that was previously effort 200kg (440lbs), we can expect to be able to bench press 500lb after IGF1! So you can not use the study on mice, to justify these numbers, but you have the idea. IGF-1 works and works very well. Even if one could reasonably expect gains of 7% of muscle mass and strength (half of the successful experience of research), the drug would be capable of many senior athletes and bodybuilders in the entire plateau endure often experienced coaches. So how can we use this equipment? Well, first of all talk about creating the ideal environment for IGF1 function. See, as you read, there is a greater interdependence and interaction between IGF, insulin and growth hormone. This has been clearly observed in studies where GH and IGF1 are used together, you get more results in the accumulation of lean body mass than when using one of them alone (10). In addition, there is a strong likelihood that testosterone would be synergistic GH (4), and increased levels of IGF in muscle (11). Let's look at the picture of what happens when you use the IGF-1, IGF-1 + GH and GH only: Changes in body weight, lean mass, fat mass, and 6 and 12 weeks after treatment. Average and 95% Cls changes. * = Significant differences compared with baseline (P <0.01). The following is the number of patients in each treatment group at 6 weeks and 12: growth hormone recombinant human and insulin-like growth factor 1 (rhGH + rhIGF-1), 13 and 9, respectively; rhGH, 12 and 11, respectively; IGF -1, 1D and 4, respectively, placebo, 14 and 11, respectively (10). As was clear from the table, you lose more fat and increase muscle combining GH and IGF-1 than either alone. The purpose of this study, 12 weeks, received around 3kgs lean mass and lost about 2kgs fat. Obviously, if we use the IGF, we want to use it with GH. And we know that GH functions best when used in combination with testosterone. And since we know that GH increases insulin sensitivity, we can take a little insulin to GH, and if we use insulin and do not want grease, I would be more comfortable if I could add the T3 as fat burner. So we have a laundry list of items needed to make the most of our use of IGF, but allows you to be honest, if you have money in the IGF (IGF and expensive stuff), then you should definitely including other items to increase its impact. Buy IGF So how do we do with the IGF? How can I buy? How much does it cost? Well, the most popular available on the black market now Lr3igf-1 (Long R3 insulin-like growth factor-I or Long R3IGF-I), which is a 83 amino acid analog human IGF-I in the composition of the of the sequence of the IGF-I with replaced by Glu Arg at position 3 (and, therefore, R3, clever name, huh?), and 13 amino acid peptide extension at the N - terminale. A? Well, that all boils down to how big I R3IGF much more potent (2-3x), as IGF-I in studies, because it has a lower affinity for the inactive IGF binding proteins (22) ( 23). Yes, everything you read on the IGF-1 still applies to this version, but only a little more active role in the body, and therefore more powerful. In addition, in substance, the type you can get your hands on now, nobody has a "small" version more. So you'll have to pay approximately $ 150.00 per 1 mg (1000mcgs/mg). How do you use? People that I mentioned earlier, I noticed what was happening between the magic 60mcgs and 120mcgs day in divided doses. In general, people who use less, and even before 50mcg/day have mediocre results. People who use others suffer headaches and nausea, and generally not much more on the way of results. References: The hormonal responses of resistance and adaptation to exercise and training. Sports Med. 2005, 35 (4) :339-361. Clinical application of insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I). Ann Intern Med. 1994 Apr 1; 120 (7) :593-601. PROTEIN muscle rupture Burnt RATS blocked IGF-I and GSK-3) (beta inhibitors. Endocrinology. 2005 Mar 31 [Epub ahead of print] Growth hormone and testosterone interact positively to increase protein and energy metabolism in men Hypopituitary. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Feb 22; [Epub ahead of print] Are the metabolic effects of GH and IGF-I separable? Growth Horm IGF Res. 2005 Feb; 15 (1) :19-27. Mr. Murphy, Plunkett LM, Gertz BJ, He W Wittreich J, Polvino WM, Clemmons DR. MK-677, orally active secretion of growth hormone, reverses the diet caused by catabolism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 83 (2) :320-5, 1998 Fryburg DA, Yang LA, Hill SA, Oliveras DM, Barrett EJ. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I improve protein anabolism in skeletal muscle during hyperaminoacidemia different mechanisms. J Clin Invest. 96 (4) :1722-9, 1995 Viral mediated expression of insulin-like growth factor I blocks the aging-related loss of skeletal muscle function.Proc Natl Acad Sciences U.S. A. 1998 Dec 22; 95 (26) :15603-7. Molecular mechanisms modulating muscle mass. Trends Mol Med. August 2003, 9 (8) :344-50. Review. Growth Hormone recombinant human insulin-like growth factor 1 and combination therapy of AIDS-related irrational. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Dec 1; 125 (11) :865-72. 3 Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Mar; 282 (3): E601 -- Growth hormone and IGF-I in the treatment hypercatabolic patient. Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab. July 1996, 10 (3) :447-63. Review. IGF-I neuroprotection in the immature brain after hypoxia-ischemia, involvement of Akt and GSK3beta? Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Mar; 21 (6) :1489-502. Interdependence of estrogen and insulin-like growth factor-I in the brain: the potential for the analysis of neuroprotective mechanisms. J Endocrinol. April 2005; 185 (1) :11-7. Neuroprotective profile of gene expression in ischemic cortical cultures before IFR-1 or bFGF. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2004 Nov 24; 131 (1-2) :33-50. Role of the Organization of the somatotropic system in cognition and other functions of the brain. Semin Vasc Med. May 2004, 4 (2) :167-72. Review. Insulin growth factor type 1 prevents hyperglycemia-induced uncoupling protein 3 in the regulation and oxidative stress. J Neurosci Res. 15 July 2004, 77 (2) :285-91. The role of insulin-like growth factor I in response to the immature cartilage repair. Knee. April 2005, 12 (2) :113-9 Oxidative stress causes IGF-I receptor signaling disturbances in cultured human dermal fibroblasts. Mechanism of inhibition of the biosynthesis of collagen. Age-related femoral bone loss in men: evidence of hyperparathyroidism and insulin-like growth factor-1 deficiency.J Gerontol A Biol Med Sciences Phys.-Math. December 2004, 59 (12) :1285-9. Metabolic effects of human growth hormone. Metabolism. October 1995, 44 (10 Supplement 4) :33-6. IGF-I variant, which is associated with poor IGF-binding proteins show more potent and prolonged hypoglycaemic action than the IGF-I in pigs and marmoset monkeys.J Endocrinol. 1997 Nov; 155 (2) :377-86. IN VIVO IGF actions similar to a poor affinity for IGFBPs: metabolic effects and growth in pigs of different ages and GH responsiveness. Prog Growth Factor Res. 1995, 6 (2-4) :385-95. Review.

Human growth hormone

Human growth hormone
(HGH) (somatotropin) Growth hormone (somatotropin) is produced in the body of the pituitary gland. Before this happens, the hormone release of growth hormone (HGHRH) and somatostatin (SST) are produced in the hypothalamus, and whether more or less on the pituitary HGH. (1) Many factors influence the release of HGH, however, including nutrition and exercise (6) (7). Once it is released, the human growth hormone (HGH), which is also called somatotropin (STH) has many functions in the human body. This protein HGH, which stimulates the body's cells to increase in size, and the subject of cell division faster than usual. In addition, it improves the flow of amino acids through cell membranes, but also increases the speed at which these cells convert these molecules into proteins. Of course, you can see that this will mean an anabolic (bodybuilding) effects on the human body. HGH also has the ability to cause normal cells to reduce the speed with which they use carbohydrates, and simultaneously increase the speed with which they use fats. (1) loss of fat and lean mass increases with HGH have been detected at low doses, and quality. 0028 IU / kg / day for 24 weeks (4), but I think that would be insufficient for the bodybuilder trying to gain muscle. We will use .028iu/kg that the number of workers who 2.8iu over 100kg (220lbs) bodybuilder. This is certainly not unreasonable, and I want to say that the dose of 2 times that dose in the range most bodybuilders and athletes are the best results. In addition, the length of time used in the study, I just mentioned (24 weeks) is characterized by HGH use, and in conversations with friends who use this system, told me that they have results start and after 2 - month mark, and they tend to use this material for 6 months at a time or all year round (if they have sufficient funds). One of my friends are able to constantly crashed 6-7% body fat throughout the year with the help of HGH, whether steroid or outside. He also noted that his cardio (brisk walking for one hour per day), it was much easier, and at HGH off, and, of course, I did research to support its assertion that the South , the maximum aerobic capacity to increase the use of HGH (5) (15). Anabolic how this story? Well, endurance athletes, even at rest (!) Were observed in a study to be in the anabolic state (8). Yes, you can run marathons and substantive take this product and continue to build muscles. Very impressive, no? Growth hormone is usually attributed to the pulse rate while you sleep, that two peptides, HGHRH and somatostatin (SST) are alternately released. As you might guess, HGHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) is responsible for the release of growth hormone (And who said scientists funny way of naming things (1). Growth hormone also has the ability to stimulate the production (or reproduction, in case of damage) of cartilage. This, however, requires a mediator substance, Somatomedin (IGF), which is isolated from the liver in response to HGH and IGF, in turn, promotes the growth of cartilage. (1) Although it requires IGF actually grow new cartilage, HGH can directly stimulate the elongation of bone tissue. (1), and HGH It has also been shown to achieve a positive impact on erythropoeisis (9), which is perfect for both anabolism and endurance. Remember to loop negative feedback, I always say about you? Of course, your body is one that can stop the secretion of HGH, IGF, and it is linked. When the liver is given IGF-1, it sends a message to your hypothalamus and your pituitary gland to stop producing HGH. (1) As you've probably guessed by now that your body produces the majority of HGH in the early years, when you have growth spurts. How do you do more, but you reduce the hardware and its consequences are much less pronounced. That is the driving force behind the (always weird) the extension of the crowd covered HGH in the early 90s. And, as usual, the driving force of world athletics covers Duchaine HGH was given, in which I am sure this is not a surprise to many. He first wrote a post about this in their sub-Steroid Handbook, and then wrote about this in the coming decades. At that time, Grorm, is currently used. This story was taken unpleasant HGH (are you ready?): The pituitary glands of corpses? This is a "Dawn of the Dead" style science, in my opinion. I think this is one of the two centuries in advance, when Descartes ( "I think therefore I am" man) said the pituitary gland of the human body where the soul lives. In any case, the body of something that HGH extracted from the body was found that the state (in rare cases) have a rare disease of the brain. This, of course, the infected children who were infected with HGH. The use of HGH bodies were later dismissed. Then (80th), in addition, some versions of forgery Purple HGH prospective solution (it was HCG I believe, mixed with B-12) entitled "Rhesus Monkey Growth Hormone, which is very funny looking back on this point. To this day, but if you get fake HGH, it is still possible, HCG, and in the form of powder and water bacterioistatic to be taken to restore (and it must be refrigerated). Even if you use the body of non-origin goods (and at that time, I am 100% sure that it is not the old left Grorm everywhere on the shelves), then maybe you have side effects such as carpal tunnel syndrome of acromegaly (a thickening or growth of bones, most noticeable in the legs, arms and forehead), and extend the application. Gynocomastia may also be a side effect of HGH use, and water retention (16) (later, as first pointed out to my colleague, a woman, who pre-contest bodybuilder using HGH as part its preparation for the competition). Now, really interesting things: Although HGH is easy to produce a lot of fun, high quality, and gains muscle mass, which is very bad for you to connect bayonet profit (2) (3) (4). This is very contrary, and certainly many strength athletes have experienced great results in strength and size of muscle and fat loss from HGH. In fact, many studies have been devoted to HGH HGH against and exercises, and without the implementation of the increases in LBM, but not usually maximum voluntary strength output. In addition, it should be noted that the majority of athletes using HGH use in a "cocktail" with (at least), anabolic steroids, and usually with IGF, thyroid MEDS and properties, as an aromatase inhibitor. Let us examine why this is. Most people who take a bath in the HGH use in a stalemate with the use of anabolic steroids, and should be pursued through the wall. I'm sure you've heard about the synergistic combination of using HGH with anabolic steroids, IGF, insulin and T3 (* usually Synthroid, a thyroid medication). The reason is that when these hormones are used correctly, they produce a large amount of insulin in the interaction between nutrients May Shuttle in your muscle tissue, the thyroid hormone increases fat burning capabilities, because the IGF muscle growth is also helping to develop new cartilage (thus preventing injury), and anabolic steroids, like testosterone, in particular (in addition to being anabolic) can increase IGF-1 in muscle tissue ( 11), and perhaps even increase the body's ability to use. Also, in general, the increase of IGF indicates your body to stop the production of HGH, testosterone, but actually blunts this part with a negative feedback loop (12)! In addition, aromatase inhibitors also stop conversion of testosterone into estrogen, estrogen lowers the level of IGF. (13) (14) Finally, HGH Do well all that I just spent the last few pages tell you! Thus, the IGF, testosterone (and of course other steroids), insulin, thyroid and MEDS HGH produced a fairly effective damned by burning fat and weight cycle! You know what else? HGH almost imperceptible to any of the drugs used currently testing. HGH, insulin, IGF and thyroid MMDS can be used safely by those who May be subject to testing for drugs, or how not-HPTA suppressive "bridge" between cycles. Finally, I will tell you how I personally take HGH. A study on continuous HGH against every other day injections (ED against ABS for short), the same total weekly dose. Although against the better-daily injections of growth overall production in the children (2 and 4 years) studying. Take a look at these images: The growth rate of children treated for other days HGH (black bars) or daily HGH treatment before, during and 2 years after stopping treatment. Values are means ± SD. *, P <0.05, ** P <0.01. (10) Here's another: Pretreatment and cumulative 4-year growth rate of children treated for other days HGH (black bars) or daily HGH mode. Values are means ± SD. *, P <0.00 (10) HGH Shooting Each day, more accurately simulates pulsile frequency of HGH and thus gave the best results of growth (height) deficient children, HGH pulsatility is necessary for the proper functioning of the Organization of HGH receptor. (10) for the determination of explosive ordnance to reduce the incidence of withdrawal problems associated with normal HGH use, including the decline or slowdown in economic growth after cessation of treatment. So I feel very comfortable to speculate that the use of HGH in a way that more closely simulates the natural secretion of HGH, it allows receivers and the rest of the body to recover more effectively, and this lead to greater muscle growth in time (although height was examined in the previous study). My advice, therefore, 2 photos per day .028iu/kg of the body through another day, for at least 3 months and preferably within 2-3x, the long and, preferably, in synergy with other compounds we have to take a look around. Buy HGH (somatotropin) You must be a payment of $ 1.75-2.75 per IU of HGH, and since you (inevitably) will buy in the main, you should be paying close to the lower end of that. References: Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6 th edition, John W. Hole jr. J Appl Physiol 94: 2273-2281, 2003. First published February 14, 2003, DOI: 10.1152 Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 77, Issue 1 23-29, EFFECTS OF RECOMBINANT growth hormone on the accumulation of visceral fat: a pilot study in adolescents infected with HIV. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Apr 19; [Epub ahead of print] Measures of submaximal aerobic performance evaluate and predict functional response to growth hormone (HGH) HGH in the treatment of adults deficits. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. December 1999, 84 (12) :4570-7. Hormonal responses to consecutive days of heavy resistance exercise with or without nutritional supplements. J Appl Physiol, October 1998, 85: 1544 - 1555. And hormonal responses of the growth to strong resistance exercise protocols. J Appl Physiol, October 1990, 69: 1442-1450 High doses of growth hormone has an anabolic effect at rest and during exercise in endurance trained athletes.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Nov; 88 (11) :5221-6. Christ ER, Cummings MH, Westwood NB, Sawyer BM, Pearson TC, Sönksen PH, Russell-Jones DL. The importance of growth hormone in the regulation of erythropoiesis, the mass of red blood cells and plasma volume in adults with growth hormone deficiency., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997 Sep; 82 (9): 2985-90 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol. 87, № 8 3573-3577 Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Mar; 282 (3): E601-7. Testosterone blunts feedback inhibition of the secretion of growth hormone in experimental high insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Mar; 90 (3) :1613-7. Epub 2004 Dec 7. Comparison of the metabolic actions of raloxifene and oral estrogen in post-and growth hormone short Women.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Apr 26; [Epub ahead of print] Serum insulin like growth factor-I levels of growth hormone deficiency adults: influence of gender steroids.Horm Res. 2004, 62 Suppl 1:73-6. Growth hormone enhances effects of endurance training on oxidative muscle metabolism in older women. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, November 2000, 279: 989 - 996. J Gerontol A Biol physical sciences and mathematics Med 1998 May 53 (3): M183-7


(human chorionic gonadotrophin) Scientists first recognized a hormone now called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the 1920s (1). HCG is no doubt one of the worst, evil and not enough money in our Bodybuilding Pharmacology. HCG is not a steroid but a natural peptide hormone, which was established by the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy, then in the trophoblast (part of the placenta) to monitor the pregnant woman hormones (1). This makes the lining of the uterus is ready for implantation of a fertilized ovum. HCG is a glycoprotein composed of 237 amino acids and has a mass of 36.7kDa. HCG principle of "action" as Leutenizing hormone (LH) in the body. LH is a gonadotropin. They were first taken from the man in 1958, specifically the pituitary gland. A gonadotropin is a substance that stimulates the gonads (ovaries and testes). It is heterodimeric (initiates prophase of mitosis), with the alpha subunit identical to LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). LH is as stated above, is called a gonadotropin because it stimulates the gonads (testicles). It is produced in cells of the pituitary gland and is composed of the beta chain of 115 amino acids and alpha chains of 89 amino acids. In the testes, the LH is associated with receptors on the Leydig cells, which in turn stimulates the synthesis and secretion of testosterone. Like LH, FSH also called gonadotropin. It is composed of the beta chain of 115 amino acids and alpha chains of 89 amino acids, and LH. The production and release of FSH is controlled by GnRH (gonadotropin hormone allocation). FSH stimulates testicular growth and supports the function of Sertoli cells, which are necessary to maintain the maturation of sperm. TSH is also known as thyrotropin, and highlighted the cells of the frontal pituitary gland. TSH is composed of the beta chain of 112 amino acids and alpha chains of 89 amino acids. Alpha chain of the same as in two other pituitary hormones, LH and FSH, and HCG. TSH is produced when the hypothalamus releases TRH (thyrotropin hormone allocation). TRH then leads to the release of the pituitary gland. HRT. TSH thyroid gland produces triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which controls the body's metabolism. Levels of HCG and pregnancy HCG is clinically used to induce ovulation and treat ovarian disorders in women, and to stimulate the testes hypogonadal (underproduction of testosterone) men. It is also used in the treatment of undescended testicles in young men. HCG does not provide the possibility for improving performance for athletes, but will be very useful for male athletes, particularly those using ASA. As indicated above, the man is similar to HCG LH, because they are similar and LH binds to receptors on the Leydig cells by stimulating the synthesis and secretion of testosterone, the use of HCG bonus will be added to HSO users, even in the absence of endogenous LH. Since HCG increases the testosterone level of natural organisms to use for a long or high dose cycles may be the most beneficial effect on the hypothalamus is depressed signal the testicles. Due to the depressed signal leads to what is known as testicular atrophy (shrunken nuts). The use of HCG will send an artificial signal to the testes (again, as if it were actually LH), which does not allow (to some degree) atrophy. It allows not only to maintain testicular size and condition, but it will also help in the reconstruction of eggs in their original size. At a time when less than normal levels of androgens (in conjunction with the use of the SSA), can be costly. Restarting the natural production of testosterone as quickly as possible, is particular concern among men to the end of the ASA. The cost paid by bodybuilders for its inability to raise the level of testing is a waste of most if not all of the hard-earned muscles, you have received, the main cause is cortisol. Cortisol sends a signal to the muscles that are opposite to that of testosterone. If cortisol is not considered (because of very low levels of testosterone), it will be the new highway and hard earned muscle that you just received. Some users feel better and faster recovery of profits by using HCG during a cycle of AAS. This is the first action, probably because the body has high levels of natural testosterone, but also provided that after the ASA, while the second May be somewhat justified, since the testes testosterone stimulates release intermittently May assist in the recovery. May this be due to maintaining a high level inter-testicular testosterone (ITT), as provided for intermittent use of HCG, which should greatly aid recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. The average dose of HCG during the cycle of 500iu 1000iu every week to once every two weeks during the cycle. In one study, I watched, a single injection of high 6000IU HCG test for 6 days. That is why many people recommend taking every 3-5 days. We need a more stable blood, but if we shot more frequently. Please note that failure to estrified injection and water-based, at the end. The same study, I come to speak of, 1500IU of HCG shot test levels between 250 and 300%. Taking all of this immediately lead to higher levels of estrogen caused by aromatization of normal testosterone, and the result of May in the case of gynecomastia for the user (3). HCG CYCLES Regarding the use of HCG about cycle therapy (PCT), smaller and more frequent, after the cycle of AAS doses give the best results with fewer side effects. A daily dose of 250iu for 500iu (ED) of 2 to 3 weeks, many and very little from person to person (3). Medics Help department recommends 500iu/day, as was done in the recent great, Dan Duchaine. At low doses, enough to begin to reverse the atrophy of the testicles and is used in combination with nolvade, help is already a problem without raising the level of restoration of estrogen to high and increasing risk of gynecomastia in the user. Lower doses of 250iu on 500iu to avoid further risks to the regulation of LH receptors in the testicles. The old proverb that says even more clearly does not apply to the use of HCG. You do not want too finish PCT after using HCG to discover only the start back again. It is best to start 250iu or 500iu Ed for 5 or 6 days, and if you have not noticed something happens (and nuts falling over) at a dose slightly. Small doses of 500iu for two days per week will not reduce, as some think. The only thing that small doses of HCG AY be useful (sublingually) for reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (7). Yes, that's right, you can probably reduce some symptoms of enlarged prostate with the use of small doses of HCG. As stated above the cycles of HCG should be around 2-3 weeks, with at least one month during the leave period, you can stretch your cycle of four weeks, without any concern to the use of lower doses. You must also take care of HCG as prolonged use can suppress the body's natural production of gonadotropins permanently, but it is mostly just pure speculation because it has not has not yet been reported, nor does there have been cases of overdose. To be on the safe side shorter cycles of HCG which seems normal. Most users cycle HCG toward the end of a cycle of steroids, you have to run HCG therapy last week of your cycle. For best results, you must also run Nõlva when you run HCG as taking HCG itself does almost nothing and gyno, but may also be a rare flair up. Once the HCG cycle is finished, you continue with your normal or Clomid NOLVADEX (preferably the latter) for the PCT, as it is most effective when used in conjunction with HCG PCT. AAS cycle from 6 weeks to 10 May HCG is not necessary unless extreme doses of AAS were used or there is a problem of testicular atrophy, or you use a heavy oral only cycle. AAS cycles of 12 weeks or more should have HCG as part of the project cycle. HCG Side Effects Since HCG is used to stimulate the production of testosterone, side effects in May are the same as those associated with ASA, but gyno May be more. Possible side effects of HCG use of water and sodium retention after higher doses used. This is usually the result of increased androgen production. May this cause gyno (again, if the dose is too high). Every athlete is concerned about the lack of urine due to the low level of epitestosterone in May that when using doses of 500iu of HCG increase epitestosterone levels. But the problem is that HCG is banned by the IOC, but also can be detected in urine, the half-life of HCG, about 4 to 5 days. Another possible recession HCG is that it can be suppressive of natural testosterone, since it took LH. Since LH is produced in the pituitary gland because of the response of GnRH (gonadotropin hormone allocation), which in turn is assigned to the hypothalamus. Since HCG mimics LH and is supplied exogenously the hypothalamus will be a signal to stop the production of GnRH, so no natural LH will be produced (5). Therefore it should always be used in combination, such as NOLVADEX. So although HCG is important after a long and heavy cycles, it should not be used without the other, such as (the) nolv. HCG treatment also should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before the end of the use of or Nõlva May he remove natural testosterone itself (5). This should not be a problem if you run to the goal of your cycle of AAS and PCT. BUY HCG The average price for the purchase of HCG ranges from $ 10 to $ 40 per 5000iu with solvent, it comes in doses of 100, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000 all iu (international units). HCG easily accessible and can be found in almost all places where you can find the AAC. If you have a good source you should have no problem in getting this product. There is currently little false about HCG, but most of them are rare. Since the powder is similar to the powder of somatropin HCG HCG is often cheaper on the market, and is more expensive HGH (human growth hormone) on the black market.


(fluoxymesterone) Halotestin (fluoxymesterone) is legendary among powerlifters and strength athletes. The word evokes images of a little mint colored pills that turn Dr. Jeckyl instantly Mr.Hyde. As I usually Mr.Hyde 24 / 7 is not a major concern for me .. But we can see what Halotestin can do for us. If you are like me, the first thing you see, is absurd and Halotestin anabolic androgenic rating. This material is 19x as anabolic as testosterone and 8.5x as androgenic! Wow! I must admit that these figures are somewhat misleading, and based on personal experience, I can say that Halotestin not anywhere near as much on the muscle, as you testosterone. Let's take a realistic look at Halo and see what we can expect the effects of it, and what side effects, we will. First, I must confess that I really love this story and, in general, its use in athletics and Powerlifting is much more pronounced than its use in bodybuilding, where it is a trick-Wonder, used in the last week before the competition will harden to create already lean physique and give the user added aggression during the last calorie depletion of training before competition. Halo no estrogenic activity and therefore does not induce the retention or most of the negative effects associated with estrogen. However hepatoxic (liver toxicity) (13), and I recommend that the levels of 40mgs/day in or around a maximum of 4-6 weeks. If you use it for its effect on aggression, you can simply use 10mg before training, I personally prefer 10mg to 10mg for growth and training, during the most intense week of bulking or cutting cycle . This is not (as you'll see below) can be used with minimum HPTA inhibition. Effects of Halotestin Volumizing Halotestin also has an effect on physiology, and for those with low percentage of body fat, he immediately led to more competition ready. This is due, at least in part, to Halo can increase the mean hematocrit and hemoglobin, and red cell mass (4) (5) (6). Halotestin also appears to act on cells in response to erythropoietin (11), which is good news for athletes, of course. As you can see, Halo has a severe impact on the production of red blood cells, and this action is clearly one of the most obvious mechanisms by which he is suspected of having an impact in terms of increasing the strength and energy levels. It also highlights the possibility of using it for athletics and sports where a high VO2 Max is necessary, such as rugby, martial arts, and so forth. It also has its influence on strength and fat loss of regulation of fatty acid oxidation in liver and fast-twitch muscle mitochondria (2). Ironically, the drugs, which operates in a nice anabolic effect, and promotes such good strength gains, it has a very low affinity of binding of androgen receptor (14) .. I think in this regard, it can be compared to Winstrol (stanozolol). Given that the strength and aggression is, Halo is the drug. This is particularly useful for cutting or strength cycle. It is used to weight and weight gains have been rather disappointing for most users, however. Fluoxymesterone administration (unfortunately) accompanied by a decrease in thyroid binding globulin which causes associated reduction T3, while the free T4 index remained fairly stable, which implies that thyroid function is unchanged. Remember, many anabolic steroids (eg, trenbolone) T3 levels. In addition, during fluoxymesterone administration, was the reduction of testosterone, gonadotropins and LH response to LHRH. Basal TSH were not different, but the reduction of peak and integrated TSH to TRH. PRL levels tend to remain stable during use fluoxymesterone (8). Halo, of course, your HPTA suppressive, but I found that in some studies where measurements were made of serum FSH, LH, testosterone, 20mg updated Halo did not remove significantly (9 ). May indicate that the use of a maximum of 20mgs/day Halotestin, not at all serious threat to the suppression of endogenous hormone. Halotestin steroids Anyway, Halotestin is a testosterone-derived steroid, and a group of 11-beta prevents its flavor, although it is particularly likely to be the 5-alpha reduced and thus cause DHT May, side effects such as acne and hair loss. It is metabolized primarily by 6 beta-hydroxylation, 4-ene-reduction, 3-keto-reduction and 11-hydroxy-oxidation. We know that this is, by definition, 4 metabolites including the attempted identification of at least 3 other metabolites. Halo detection in urine can be at least 5 days after a single oral dose of 10 mg previously untreated adult males, by monitoring the presence of 2 metabolites, since the drug is not detectable more than 1 day following the dose (12). However, the moral compass and of world athletics, the IOC has developed a test for fluoxymesterone metabolites that will detect up to 2 months after cessation of use. This question is not in great demand for body-building, with the exception of pre-contest drug, and more likely to be found in circulation in sports and powerlifting, where it is more widely used in the cycle. Halotestin (fluoxymesterone) Profile [9-alpha-fluoro-11-beta-hydroxy-17-alpha-methyl-4-androstene-3-One, 17b-OL] Molecular Weight: 336.4457 Formula: C20 H29 F O3 Melting Point: 240C Manufacturer: Upjohn, Various Release Date: 1957 Effective Dose :10-40mg / day The life :6-8 hours Detection time: 2 months Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 1900 / 850 References: The treatment of anabolic steroids increases the activity of mitochondria in the pre-carnitine Palmitoyltransferase rat liver and fast twitch muscles. Biochem Pharmacol. 1991 Mar 1; 41 (5) :833-5. Effects of the synthetic androgen fluoxymesterone on the secretion of triglyceride levels in the social rat.Proc Exp Biol Med. June 1975; 149 (2) :452-4. The metabolism of anabolic steroids in humans: synthesis of 6-beta-hydroxy metabolites of 4-chloro-1 ,2-DEHYDRO-17 alpha-methyltestosterone, fluoxymesterone and metandienone. Steroids. April 1995, 60 (4) :353-66. Effect of fluoxymesterone on in vitro erythropoiesis affected by leukemic cells.Exp Hematol. 1984 Mar; 12 (3) :171-6. [Erythropoietin in serum and urine of healthy subjects and patients with chronic kidney disease after hypoxic stimulation and hypoxic stimulation after pre-treatment with fluoxymesterone (author transl)] Fluoxymesterone treatment of anemia in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis: comparison of patients with kidneys and anephric patients. J Dial. 1977, 1 (4) :357-66 Combination with tamoxifen plus fluoxymesterone hormone therapy with tamoxifen alone in postmenopausal women with metastatic breast cancer. Updated analysis.Cancer. 15 February 1991, 67 (4) :886-91. Effect of non aromatization of androgens on LHRH and TRH responses in primary testicular failure.Horm Metab Res. 16 September 1984 (9) :492-7. The effect of synthetic androgens on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal in boys with constitutional delay axis of growth. J Pediatr. April 1979, 94 (4) :657-62. 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