вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.


(fluoxymesterone) Halotestin (fluoxymesterone) is legendary among powerlifters and strength athletes. The word evokes images of a little mint colored pills that turn Dr. Jeckyl instantly Mr.Hyde. As I usually Mr.Hyde 24 / 7 is not a major concern for me .. But we can see what Halotestin can do for us. If you are like me, the first thing you see, is absurd and Halotestin anabolic androgenic rating. This material is 19x as anabolic as testosterone and 8.5x as androgenic! Wow! I must admit that these figures are somewhat misleading, and based on personal experience, I can say that Halotestin not anywhere near as much on the muscle, as you testosterone. Let's take a realistic look at Halo and see what we can expect the effects of it, and what side effects, we will. First, I must confess that I really love this story and, in general, its use in athletics and Powerlifting is much more pronounced than its use in bodybuilding, where it is a trick-Wonder, used in the last week before the competition will harden to create already lean physique and give the user added aggression during the last calorie depletion of training before competition. Halo no estrogenic activity and therefore does not induce the retention or most of the negative effects associated with estrogen. However hepatoxic (liver toxicity) (13), and I recommend that the levels of 40mgs/day in or around a maximum of 4-6 weeks. If you use it for its effect on aggression, you can simply use 10mg before training, I personally prefer 10mg to 10mg for growth and training, during the most intense week of bulking or cutting cycle . This is not (as you'll see below) can be used with minimum HPTA inhibition. Effects of Halotestin Volumizing Halotestin also has an effect on physiology, and for those with low percentage of body fat, he immediately led to more competition ready. This is due, at least in part, to Halo can increase the mean hematocrit and hemoglobin, and red cell mass (4) (5) (6). Halotestin also appears to act on cells in response to erythropoietin (11), which is good news for athletes, of course. As you can see, Halo has a severe impact on the production of red blood cells, and this action is clearly one of the most obvious mechanisms by which he is suspected of having an impact in terms of increasing the strength and energy levels. It also highlights the possibility of using it for athletics and sports where a high VO2 Max is necessary, such as rugby, martial arts, and so forth. It also has its influence on strength and fat loss of regulation of fatty acid oxidation in liver and fast-twitch muscle mitochondria (2). Ironically, the drugs, which operates in a nice anabolic effect, and promotes such good strength gains, it has a very low affinity of binding of androgen receptor (14) .. I think in this regard, it can be compared to Winstrol (stanozolol). Given that the strength and aggression is, Halo is the drug. This is particularly useful for cutting or strength cycle. It is used to weight and weight gains have been rather disappointing for most users, however. Fluoxymesterone administration (unfortunately) accompanied by a decrease in thyroid binding globulin which causes associated reduction T3, while the free T4 index remained fairly stable, which implies that thyroid function is unchanged. Remember, many anabolic steroids (eg, trenbolone) T3 levels. In addition, during fluoxymesterone administration, was the reduction of testosterone, gonadotropins and LH response to LHRH. Basal TSH were not different, but the reduction of peak and integrated TSH to TRH. PRL levels tend to remain stable during use fluoxymesterone (8). Halo, of course, your HPTA suppressive, but I found that in some studies where measurements were made of serum FSH, LH, testosterone, 20mg updated Halo did not remove significantly (9 ). May indicate that the use of a maximum of 20mgs/day Halotestin, not at all serious threat to the suppression of endogenous hormone. Halotestin steroids Anyway, Halotestin is a testosterone-derived steroid, and a group of 11-beta prevents its flavor, although it is particularly likely to be the 5-alpha reduced and thus cause DHT May, side effects such as acne and hair loss. It is metabolized primarily by 6 beta-hydroxylation, 4-ene-reduction, 3-keto-reduction and 11-hydroxy-oxidation. We know that this is, by definition, 4 metabolites including the attempted identification of at least 3 other metabolites. Halo detection in urine can be at least 5 days after a single oral dose of 10 mg previously untreated adult males, by monitoring the presence of 2 metabolites, since the drug is not detectable more than 1 day following the dose (12). However, the moral compass and of world athletics, the IOC has developed a test for fluoxymesterone metabolites that will detect up to 2 months after cessation of use. This question is not in great demand for body-building, with the exception of pre-contest drug, and more likely to be found in circulation in sports and powerlifting, where it is more widely used in the cycle. Halotestin (fluoxymesterone) Profile [9-alpha-fluoro-11-beta-hydroxy-17-alpha-methyl-4-androstene-3-One, 17b-OL] Molecular Weight: 336.4457 Formula: C20 H29 F O3 Melting Point: 240C Manufacturer: Upjohn, Various Release Date: 1957 Effective Dose :10-40mg / day The life :6-8 hours Detection time: 2 months Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 1900 / 850 References: The treatment of anabolic steroids increases the activity of mitochondria in the pre-carnitine Palmitoyltransferase rat liver and fast twitch muscles. Biochem Pharmacol. 1991 Mar 1; 41 (5) :833-5. Effects of the synthetic androgen fluoxymesterone on the secretion of triglyceride levels in the social rat.Proc Exp Biol Med. June 1975; 149 (2) :452-4. The metabolism of anabolic steroids in humans: synthesis of 6-beta-hydroxy metabolites of 4-chloro-1 ,2-DEHYDRO-17 alpha-methyltestosterone, fluoxymesterone and metandienone. Steroids. April 1995, 60 (4) :353-66. Effect of fluoxymesterone on in vitro erythropoiesis affected by leukemic cells.Exp Hematol. 1984 Mar; 12 (3) :171-6. [Erythropoietin in serum and urine of healthy subjects and patients with chronic kidney disease after hypoxic stimulation and hypoxic stimulation after pre-treatment with fluoxymesterone (author transl)] Fluoxymesterone treatment of anemia in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis: comparison of patients with kidneys and anephric patients. J Dial. 1977, 1 (4) :357-66 Combination with tamoxifen plus fluoxymesterone hormone therapy with tamoxifen alone in postmenopausal women with metastatic breast cancer. Updated analysis.Cancer. 15 February 1991, 67 (4) :886-91. Effect of non aromatization of androgens on LHRH and TRH responses in primary testicular failure.Horm Metab Res. 16 September 1984 (9) :492-7. The effect of synthetic androgens on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal in boys with constitutional delay axis of growth. J Pediatr. April 1979, 94 (4) :657-62. The effect of synthetic androgens on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal in boys with constitutional delay axis of growth. J Pediatr. April 1979, 94 (4) :657-62. Steroids and hematopoiesis. II. Effect of steroids on VITRO erythroid colony growth: evidence for different target cells for different classes of steroids. J Cell Physiol. June 1976, 88 (2) :135-43. Tests fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) administration to humans: identification of urinary metabolites for gas chromatography / mass spectrometry. J Steroid Biochem. 1990 Aug 28; 36 (6) :659-66. Toxic effects of anabolic-androgenic steroids in rat liver in primary cell cultures. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. August 1995, 33 (4) :187-95. Relative binding affinity of anabolic-androgenic steroids: comparison of binding to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle and the gland, and sex hormone binding globulin.Endocrinology. June 1984, 114 (6) :2100-6. Relations androgens on prolactin and thyrotropin responses to thyrotropin-releasing hormone in normal and hypogonadal men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1981 Feb; 52 (2) :173-6.

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