вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.


(human chorionic gonadotrophin) Scientists first recognized a hormone now called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the 1920s (1). HCG is no doubt one of the worst, evil and not enough money in our Bodybuilding Pharmacology. HCG is not a steroid but a natural peptide hormone, which was established by the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy, then in the trophoblast (part of the placenta) to monitor the pregnant woman hormones (1). This makes the lining of the uterus is ready for implantation of a fertilized ovum. HCG is a glycoprotein composed of 237 amino acids and has a mass of 36.7kDa. HCG principle of "action" as Leutenizing hormone (LH) in the body. LH is a gonadotropin. They were first taken from the man in 1958, specifically the pituitary gland. A gonadotropin is a substance that stimulates the gonads (ovaries and testes). It is heterodimeric (initiates prophase of mitosis), with the alpha subunit identical to LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). LH is as stated above, is called a gonadotropin because it stimulates the gonads (testicles). It is produced in cells of the pituitary gland and is composed of the beta chain of 115 amino acids and alpha chains of 89 amino acids. In the testes, the LH is associated with receptors on the Leydig cells, which in turn stimulates the synthesis and secretion of testosterone. Like LH, FSH also called gonadotropin. It is composed of the beta chain of 115 amino acids and alpha chains of 89 amino acids, and LH. The production and release of FSH is controlled by GnRH (gonadotropin hormone allocation). FSH stimulates testicular growth and supports the function of Sertoli cells, which are necessary to maintain the maturation of sperm. TSH is also known as thyrotropin, and highlighted the cells of the frontal pituitary gland. TSH is composed of the beta chain of 112 amino acids and alpha chains of 89 amino acids. Alpha chain of the same as in two other pituitary hormones, LH and FSH, and HCG. TSH is produced when the hypothalamus releases TRH (thyrotropin hormone allocation). TRH then leads to the release of the pituitary gland. HRT. TSH thyroid gland produces triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which controls the body's metabolism. Levels of HCG and pregnancy HCG is clinically used to induce ovulation and treat ovarian disorders in women, and to stimulate the testes hypogonadal (underproduction of testosterone) men. It is also used in the treatment of undescended testicles in young men. HCG does not provide the possibility for improving performance for athletes, but will be very useful for male athletes, particularly those using ASA. As indicated above, the man is similar to HCG LH, because they are similar and LH binds to receptors on the Leydig cells by stimulating the synthesis and secretion of testosterone, the use of HCG bonus will be added to HSO users, even in the absence of endogenous LH. Since HCG increases the testosterone level of natural organisms to use for a long or high dose cycles may be the most beneficial effect on the hypothalamus is depressed signal the testicles. Due to the depressed signal leads to what is known as testicular atrophy (shrunken nuts). The use of HCG will send an artificial signal to the testes (again, as if it were actually LH), which does not allow (to some degree) atrophy. It allows not only to maintain testicular size and condition, but it will also help in the reconstruction of eggs in their original size. At a time when less than normal levels of androgens (in conjunction with the use of the SSA), can be costly. Restarting the natural production of testosterone as quickly as possible, is particular concern among men to the end of the ASA. The cost paid by bodybuilders for its inability to raise the level of testing is a waste of most if not all of the hard-earned muscles, you have received, the main cause is cortisol. Cortisol sends a signal to the muscles that are opposite to that of testosterone. If cortisol is not considered (because of very low levels of testosterone), it will be the new highway and hard earned muscle that you just received. Some users feel better and faster recovery of profits by using HCG during a cycle of AAS. This is the first action, probably because the body has high levels of natural testosterone, but also provided that after the ASA, while the second May be somewhat justified, since the testes testosterone stimulates release intermittently May assist in the recovery. May this be due to maintaining a high level inter-testicular testosterone (ITT), as provided for intermittent use of HCG, which should greatly aid recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. The average dose of HCG during the cycle of 500iu 1000iu every week to once every two weeks during the cycle. In one study, I watched, a single injection of high 6000IU HCG test for 6 days. That is why many people recommend taking every 3-5 days. We need a more stable blood, but if we shot more frequently. Please note that failure to estrified injection and water-based, at the end. The same study, I come to speak of, 1500IU of HCG shot test levels between 250 and 300%. Taking all of this immediately lead to higher levels of estrogen caused by aromatization of normal testosterone, and the result of May in the case of gynecomastia for the user (3). HCG CYCLES Regarding the use of HCG about cycle therapy (PCT), smaller and more frequent, after the cycle of AAS doses give the best results with fewer side effects. A daily dose of 250iu for 500iu (ED) of 2 to 3 weeks, many and very little from person to person (3). Medics Help department recommends 500iu/day, as was done in the recent great, Dan Duchaine. At low doses, enough to begin to reverse the atrophy of the testicles and is used in combination with nolvade, help is already a problem without raising the level of restoration of estrogen to high and increasing risk of gynecomastia in the user. Lower doses of 250iu on 500iu to avoid further risks to the regulation of LH receptors in the testicles. The old proverb that says even more clearly does not apply to the use of HCG. You do not want too finish PCT after using HCG to discover only the start back again. It is best to start 250iu or 500iu Ed for 5 or 6 days, and if you have not noticed something happens (and nuts falling over) at a dose slightly. Small doses of 500iu for two days per week will not reduce, as some think. The only thing that small doses of HCG AY be useful (sublingually) for reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (7). Yes, that's right, you can probably reduce some symptoms of enlarged prostate with the use of small doses of HCG. As stated above the cycles of HCG should be around 2-3 weeks, with at least one month during the leave period, you can stretch your cycle of four weeks, without any concern to the use of lower doses. You must also take care of HCG as prolonged use can suppress the body's natural production of gonadotropins permanently, but it is mostly just pure speculation because it has not has not yet been reported, nor does there have been cases of overdose. To be on the safe side shorter cycles of HCG which seems normal. Most users cycle HCG toward the end of a cycle of steroids, you have to run HCG therapy last week of your cycle. For best results, you must also run Nõlva when you run HCG as taking HCG itself does almost nothing and gyno, but may also be a rare flair up. Once the HCG cycle is finished, you continue with your normal or Clomid NOLVADEX (preferably the latter) for the PCT, as it is most effective when used in conjunction with HCG PCT. AAS cycle from 6 weeks to 10 May HCG is not necessary unless extreme doses of AAS were used or there is a problem of testicular atrophy, or you use a heavy oral only cycle. AAS cycles of 12 weeks or more should have HCG as part of the project cycle. HCG Side Effects Since HCG is used to stimulate the production of testosterone, side effects in May are the same as those associated with ASA, but gyno May be more. Possible side effects of HCG use of water and sodium retention after higher doses used. This is usually the result of increased androgen production. May this cause gyno (again, if the dose is too high). Every athlete is concerned about the lack of urine due to the low level of epitestosterone in May that when using doses of 500iu of HCG increase epitestosterone levels. But the problem is that HCG is banned by the IOC, but also can be detected in urine, the half-life of HCG, about 4 to 5 days. Another possible recession HCG is that it can be suppressive of natural testosterone, since it took LH. Since LH is produced in the pituitary gland because of the response of GnRH (gonadotropin hormone allocation), which in turn is assigned to the hypothalamus. Since HCG mimics LH and is supplied exogenously the hypothalamus will be a signal to stop the production of GnRH, so no natural LH will be produced (5). Therefore it should always be used in combination, such as NOLVADEX. So although HCG is important after a long and heavy cycles, it should not be used without the other, such as (the) nolv. HCG treatment also should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before the end of the use of or Nõlva May he remove natural testosterone itself (5). This should not be a problem if you run to the goal of your cycle of AAS and PCT. BUY HCG The average price for the purchase of HCG ranges from $ 10 to $ 40 per 5000iu with solvent, it comes in doses of 100, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000 all iu (international units). HCG easily accessible and can be found in almost all places where you can find the AAC. If you have a good source you should have no problem in getting this product. There is currently little false about HCG, but most of them are rare. Since the powder is similar to the powder of somatropin HCG HCG is often cheaper on the market, and is more expensive HGH (human growth hormone) on the black market.

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