вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.


(insulin) Insulin is one of the most powerful anabolic agents in the world. Used properly, it can add weight to you faster than any other compound at our disposal. B insulin properly will kill you. Before we delve too deeply into the explanation of this subject, I think it is important to emphasize that last part: a screw with this thing, and we die. You go into a coma and death. And I am talking about is simply too much of this material once. Ok? This medicine should be treated with caution. If you're not ready to go to maximum insulin before using it, you're not ready to use it at all. So first, let's talk about floating around the insulin in your body now, and what it does, then we will talk about how to add exogenous insulin (insulin because the body) can help. Insulin is a protein released until the pancreas, which acts on the liver to stimulate the formation of glycogen from glucose and to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates in non-glucose. Insulin has also contributed to the spread of glucose by the cells to insulin receptors, and, of course, this means that the muscles (1). As you can imagine, very high concentrations of insulin were reasonably lead to significantly stimulate the synthesis of muscle proteins (2) (3) (4) (9). This occurs mainly on the gradual improvement of the peptide chain initiation (11). This property, and its results, perhaps making it more interesting bodybuilders and athletes. The reason is that these factors have combined to make the protein is more effective in facilitating the transport of amino acids in muscle cells. Ergo, we can clearly say that insulin is clearly anabolic in muscle tissue. It also has anabolic effects in bone and thereby increasing bone density, and (8). Another mechanism by which insulin is anabolic body to increase your IGF (Insulin-like growth factor) levels (6). IGF is an anabolic hormone. Another surprising aspect of the use of insulin is its ability to increase both LH (Leutenizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which, in turn, stimulate the production of testosterone. What did I get here is that insulin stimulates the secretion of gonadotropin, which means that May actually HPTA anabolic effects by increasing your ability to stimulate the production of testosterone (the hypothalamus-pituitary -testicles-Axis) (11) This effect is often evident virilization (development of male sexual characteristics) in women. Insulin also increases the ability of the anabolic steroid binding to androgen receptors (14), which would obviously strongly suggests the possibility of a synergistic effect of insulin in combination with steroids. Most people also think that insulin has several anabolic synergy in combination with growth hormone, and, of course, there are many examples to prove it too. In addition to anecdotal research, it is important to note that insulin is indeed so that anabolic steroids, some researchers have suggested that growth hormone (GH), the ability to stimulate protein synthesis be due in May in part to the ability of GH to increase insulin sensitivity (12). Admittedly, the complex relationship between insulin and GH IFR is very synergistic and are interconnected with each other (13) (15) (16) (17). Using all three of them, and anabolic steroids, fat burner and most powerful weight and burning fat cycle is possible. Of course, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Unfortunately, the bad news is that insulin can stimulate adipose (fat) storage. In general, although the majority of bodybuilders take insulin for fat burners, or 2 (Thyroid MEDS are the most popular choice) and anabolic steroids, and sometimes even the GH and IGF for reasons already explained. All this is in addition to reducing the likelihood that the fat is stored, and a significant increase in the amount of muscle, which will be realized. Anyway, as you probably guessed, the endogenous insulin (material naturally in the body) is working on a response from your body. When glucose levels high, which is what happens when you eat sugary snacks, then release of insulin beta cells. When glucose is low, insulin, of course, at a low level. Indeed, just add the liquid glucose liquid amino acid meal (which enhances the level of insulin) that increase the absorption of amino acids is 50%! (7) Now, consider this: If the answer to natural insulin glucose ingestion can give you a better absorption of 50% of protein, think about how much the absorption of proteins, which gives you the injection .. So now that we have some understanding of the endogenous insulin, we will try to understand what may be the exogenous insulin (the kind you get from the bottle ..). Medicine, of course, insulin for diabetes ... Diabetes is becoming a real danger of misuse of insulin. First, I'll give you some clinical examples of insulin was used as an anti-catabolic agent. The first study I read, insulin levels increased by 15 times in children suffering from extreme catabolism. This level of insulin produced a 32% reduction in protein breakdown (4). In the second study, I read the exogenous insulin muscle protein prevents loss of momentum of victims (5). It is important to note that you must have sufficient amino acids (proteins) in the body to insulin have anabolic effects. If there is a lack of amino acids circulating in the body of your last meal, insulin will not be at all anabolic steroids. On the other hand, if the concentrations of amino acids are kept in normal or high, as they would in a typical athlete or bodybuilder nutrition, pure protein in the muscle will occur (more protein stored in your muscle = more muscle gained). This effect of insulin storage protein in muscle is due mainly to the stimulation of protein synthesis and the inhibition of protein degradation (10). The lesson here is that even with insulin, food is the key to all this. You need enough protein to build muscle, regardless of the amount of insulin you take. Let's quantify this a bit. What can we say about the anabolic and anti-catabolic properties of insulin? Can we put solid numbers on this? Sure. The next chat, you can see, that makes your insulin balance of the protein in much better condition, and simultaneously reduced inhibition of protein degradation lysosomal pathway (it is its anti-catabolic ) (11), and increases protein synthesis (which is its anabolic effect). Protein kinetics. The balance of protein degradation and synthesis rates are presented (in nmol phenylalanine "min 1 100 ml 1). Values are means ± SE of base (open bar) and the last 30 minutes of infusion of insulin (filled bars) from 3 different rates of infusion of amino acids (in ml "1 minute" 1 kg) (* P <0.05 and ** P <0.01 against the duration of infusion base) . (5) What this chart tells me that insulin can effectively use a large number of proteins, in addition to what your body can normally be used, and if you decide to use insulin, you should take at least 2.2g/kg of the body, and preferably 3-4.5g/kg of the body. So now we know how insulin works and why, and how it works. Ok, can check how to use it. I'll give you two basic ideas about how safe to use insulin as well as a third "hybrid idea" and "dirty little trick on how to use insulin with a cyclic ketogenic diet, to start ketosis in earlier. How do you decide to use, remember, insulin has the ability to stimulate fat storage, make sure to use anabolic steroids are with him, because they are mainly protein and nutrients to be used to build lean mass of adipose tissue (fat). Personally, I would also like to use a thyroid medication (Synthroid) to ensure that none of my insulin injections will put any fat on me. If you paid attention until now, I'm sure I need not tell you that GH and IGF is also very powerful (and expensive) addition to any stack containing insulin. If all this does not whet your appetite, while insulin, GH and IGF are undetectable on drug tests! Currently, speculation how to test, but nothing coherent has been established. I think a lot of high-level "natural" bodybuilder attended the insulin, GH and IGF. So now we know something about insulin, we will see what is good for fitness purposes or sport, as there are several types of insulin are available and choose the type is of importance paramount. Basically, there are 5 types of insulin, we will consider, and these, we will choose the type that best meet our goal of strength training: Insulin Humalog and Humulin Humalog (insulin lispro inj.) Acting insulin fastest available Humulin-R (insulin regular), has a short duration of exposure Humulin N (insulin NPH) insulin is an intermediate length Humulin-U (average zinc suspension) is another intermediate length insulin Humulin-U, utalente (Long Zinc Suspension) long-acting insulin (* There is also a mixture of two or more of these types of insulin in a short or something in between) 6 Of these options, the first, apparently, is the best and safest, but this type of insulin is (unfortunately) only available on prescription, and receive it through a typical source of steroids (which usually means the e-mail) is not recommended because you can not be sure it was properly stored and refrigerated in the whole process of shipping and handling. Needless to say that attempts to form a recipe for this equipment is very bad idea. Our next best option for the injection of insulin Humulin-R is that we will use. Humulin R is available without prescription from any pharmacy. This material is relatively quick to the point and, therefore, easier to treat than other forms of insulin, there are some very long, or have ups and rays throughout their length, and, as as such, is too difficult to manage and control. The first and most obvious to use insulin for its anabolic effect is to take a little at each meal, maybe 1-2iu up to 5-6 times a day (insulin is measured in international units, not MGS as with anabolic steroids). Thus, you should receive the greatest benefit of insulin, in May at each meal and at least the risk is too great, and goes into shock. Of course, some bodybuilders have reported 20-40iu/day up, but I would not recommend unless you are very experienced, and your diet in order. You want to take some essential fats, a good mix of carbohydrates (ie, carbohydrates different glycemic index), and at least 40g of protein at every meal, when you use this method of using insulin. And obviously you want to work with this amount, the use of insulin, possibly adding 1iu a day until you reach this level you are comfortable with. This is true for any method of application of insulin, I was put in place. The second way you can use it to take insulin 1iu load of food, eventually working up 1iu/10kgs of the body. Using this method, you want to shake after the training, which consists of about 100-200g of blend of carbohydrates and 40-50 grams of protein ... m, do not forget the small number of core lipids to shake. I used the insulin in a way, with anabolic steroids and thyroid med, and found in order to increase the benefits of my cycle, about 15-20% compared to the same cycle , which does not include insulin. The last method is to use the first method, but the second. Thus, you will be taken in the 1-2ius at each meal and before 1iu/10kgs body burden of food. This will ensure maximum effectiveness of each mouthful of food you eat, but in a sense, is the most dangerous, and it is necessary to control blood glucose. If you are tired after the shooting, you need to get carbohydrates in the mixture quickly (Gatoraid and some cereal bars and / or candy), it is a good idea for these sorts of things about you, as an assurance that your blood sugar is not too low. You do not want to take this at night before bedtime, because you do not know if your blood sugar is low, and do somnolence (ie, you could face hypoglycemia, and go into a coma), or you're tired, because it is normal to go to bed. And this little dirty trick, I told you about ... small amount of insulin can be taken at the start of a cyclical ketogenic diet, with your first meal of the day to begin. This meal will be fat and carbohydrate protein and only 2-4iu insulin would be taken. The following foods, you can use half the dose of insulin, as you did on your first meal. The result will be that you could be in ketosis until the end of this first day, as usual, when it takes 2 or even 3 days to complete. The use of insulin, which is very dangerous, and even called the "Death Wish diet" Dan Duchaine .. Which method you use, do not forget your insulin refrigerated, that insulin is rapidly degraded outside of refrigeration environment. Do not leave this material out of the refrigerator too long, either. Insulin syringes The second thing you do not want the regular use of syringes for the introduction of insulin. YOU NEED pins insulin dose precisely this subject, it should be noted, too can be fatal, and you can use syringes to the introduction of steroids are too large to measure units of insulin. Insulin is administered by subcutaneous injection (under the skin, but over the muscles), as needles are simply too big for that. Insulin (or at least, Humulin-R) are not substances, and you should be able to buy at a local pharmacy rather cheap: a multi-use 10cc bottle dosed at 100iu/cc cost about $ 50 . References: Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6 th edition, John W. Hole hyperinsulinemia unmasks insulin effect to stimulate protein synthesis in humans forearm.Am. J. Physiol. 274 (Endocrinol. Metab. 37): e1067, E1074, 1999 Violation of the anabolic response of muscle protein synthesis associated with human S6K1 dysregulation in elderly people. FASEB J. October 2004, 18 (13) :1586-7. Epub 2004 Aug 19. Intravenous insulin, a decrease in proteolysis in neonates on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.J Pediatr Surg. June 2004, 39 (6) :839-44, discussion 839-44. DEEP hyperinsulinemia stimulates protein synthesis in severely injured muscle Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. April 2004, 286 (4): E529-34. Epub 2003 Dec 9. Insulin: the other anabolic hormone of puberty. Acta Paediatr Suppl. December 1999, 88 (433) :84-7. 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