вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

Human growth hormone

Human growth hormone
(HGH) (somatotropin) Growth hormone (somatotropin) is produced in the body of the pituitary gland. Before this happens, the hormone release of growth hormone (HGHRH) and somatostatin (SST) are produced in the hypothalamus, and whether more or less on the pituitary HGH. (1) Many factors influence the release of HGH, however, including nutrition and exercise (6) (7). Once it is released, the human growth hormone (HGH), which is also called somatotropin (STH) has many functions in the human body. This protein HGH, which stimulates the body's cells to increase in size, and the subject of cell division faster than usual. In addition, it improves the flow of amino acids through cell membranes, but also increases the speed at which these cells convert these molecules into proteins. Of course, you can see that this will mean an anabolic (bodybuilding) effects on the human body. HGH also has the ability to cause normal cells to reduce the speed with which they use carbohydrates, and simultaneously increase the speed with which they use fats. (1) loss of fat and lean mass increases with HGH have been detected at low doses, and quality. 0028 IU / kg / day for 24 weeks (4), but I think that would be insufficient for the bodybuilder trying to gain muscle. We will use .028iu/kg that the number of workers who 2.8iu over 100kg (220lbs) bodybuilder. This is certainly not unreasonable, and I want to say that the dose of 2 times that dose in the range most bodybuilders and athletes are the best results. In addition, the length of time used in the study, I just mentioned (24 weeks) is characterized by HGH use, and in conversations with friends who use this system, told me that they have results start and after 2 - month mark, and they tend to use this material for 6 months at a time or all year round (if they have sufficient funds). One of my friends are able to constantly crashed 6-7% body fat throughout the year with the help of HGH, whether steroid or outside. He also noted that his cardio (brisk walking for one hour per day), it was much easier, and at HGH off, and, of course, I did research to support its assertion that the South , the maximum aerobic capacity to increase the use of HGH (5) (15). Anabolic how this story? Well, endurance athletes, even at rest (!) Were observed in a study to be in the anabolic state (8). Yes, you can run marathons and substantive take this product and continue to build muscles. Very impressive, no? Growth hormone is usually attributed to the pulse rate while you sleep, that two peptides, HGHRH and somatostatin (SST) are alternately released. As you might guess, HGHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) is responsible for the release of growth hormone (And who said scientists funny way of naming things (1). Growth hormone also has the ability to stimulate the production (or reproduction, in case of damage) of cartilage. This, however, requires a mediator substance, Somatomedin (IGF), which is isolated from the liver in response to HGH and IGF, in turn, promotes the growth of cartilage. (1) Although it requires IGF actually grow new cartilage, HGH can directly stimulate the elongation of bone tissue. (1), and HGH It has also been shown to achieve a positive impact on erythropoeisis (9), which is perfect for both anabolism and endurance. Remember to loop negative feedback, I always say about you? Of course, your body is one that can stop the secretion of HGH, IGF, and it is linked. When the liver is given IGF-1, it sends a message to your hypothalamus and your pituitary gland to stop producing HGH. (1) As you've probably guessed by now that your body produces the majority of HGH in the early years, when you have growth spurts. How do you do more, but you reduce the hardware and its consequences are much less pronounced. That is the driving force behind the (always weird) the extension of the crowd covered HGH in the early 90s. And, as usual, the driving force of world athletics covers Duchaine HGH was given, in which I am sure this is not a surprise to many. He first wrote a post about this in their sub-Steroid Handbook, and then wrote about this in the coming decades. At that time, Grorm, is currently used. This story was taken unpleasant HGH (are you ready?): The pituitary glands of corpses? This is a "Dawn of the Dead" style science, in my opinion. I think this is one of the two centuries in advance, when Descartes ( "I think therefore I am" man) said the pituitary gland of the human body where the soul lives. In any case, the body of something that HGH extracted from the body was found that the state (in rare cases) have a rare disease of the brain. This, of course, the infected children who were infected with HGH. The use of HGH bodies were later dismissed. Then (80th), in addition, some versions of forgery Purple HGH prospective solution (it was HCG I believe, mixed with B-12) entitled "Rhesus Monkey Growth Hormone, which is very funny looking back on this point. To this day, but if you get fake HGH, it is still possible, HCG, and in the form of powder and water bacterioistatic to be taken to restore (and it must be refrigerated). Even if you use the body of non-origin goods (and at that time, I am 100% sure that it is not the old left Grorm everywhere on the shelves), then maybe you have side effects such as carpal tunnel syndrome of acromegaly (a thickening or growth of bones, most noticeable in the legs, arms and forehead), and extend the application. Gynocomastia may also be a side effect of HGH use, and water retention (16) (later, as first pointed out to my colleague, a woman, who pre-contest bodybuilder using HGH as part its preparation for the competition). Now, really interesting things: Although HGH is easy to produce a lot of fun, high quality, and gains muscle mass, which is very bad for you to connect bayonet profit (2) (3) (4). This is very contrary, and certainly many strength athletes have experienced great results in strength and size of muscle and fat loss from HGH. In fact, many studies have been devoted to HGH HGH against and exercises, and without the implementation of the increases in LBM, but not usually maximum voluntary strength output. In addition, it should be noted that the majority of athletes using HGH use in a "cocktail" with (at least), anabolic steroids, and usually with IGF, thyroid MEDS and properties, as an aromatase inhibitor. Let us examine why this is. Most people who take a bath in the HGH use in a stalemate with the use of anabolic steroids, and should be pursued through the wall. I'm sure you've heard about the synergistic combination of using HGH with anabolic steroids, IGF, insulin and T3 (* usually Synthroid, a thyroid medication). The reason is that when these hormones are used correctly, they produce a large amount of insulin in the interaction between nutrients May Shuttle in your muscle tissue, the thyroid hormone increases fat burning capabilities, because the IGF muscle growth is also helping to develop new cartilage (thus preventing injury), and anabolic steroids, like testosterone, in particular (in addition to being anabolic) can increase IGF-1 in muscle tissue ( 11), and perhaps even increase the body's ability to use. Also, in general, the increase of IGF indicates your body to stop the production of HGH, testosterone, but actually blunts this part with a negative feedback loop (12)! In addition, aromatase inhibitors also stop conversion of testosterone into estrogen, estrogen lowers the level of IGF. (13) (14) Finally, HGH Do well all that I just spent the last few pages tell you! Thus, the IGF, testosterone (and of course other steroids), insulin, thyroid and MEDS HGH produced a fairly effective damned by burning fat and weight cycle! You know what else? HGH almost imperceptible to any of the drugs used currently testing. HGH, insulin, IGF and thyroid MMDS can be used safely by those who May be subject to testing for drugs, or how not-HPTA suppressive "bridge" between cycles. Finally, I will tell you how I personally take HGH. A study on continuous HGH against every other day injections (ED against ABS for short), the same total weekly dose. Although against the better-daily injections of growth overall production in the children (2 and 4 years) studying. Take a look at these images: The growth rate of children treated for other days HGH (black bars) or daily HGH treatment before, during and 2 years after stopping treatment. Values are means ± SD. *, P <0.05, ** P <0.01. (10) Here's another: Pretreatment and cumulative 4-year growth rate of children treated for other days HGH (black bars) or daily HGH mode. Values are means ± SD. *, P <0.00 (10) HGH Shooting Each day, more accurately simulates pulsile frequency of HGH and thus gave the best results of growth (height) deficient children, HGH pulsatility is necessary for the proper functioning of the Organization of HGH receptor. (10) for the determination of explosive ordnance to reduce the incidence of withdrawal problems associated with normal HGH use, including the decline or slowdown in economic growth after cessation of treatment. So I feel very comfortable to speculate that the use of HGH in a way that more closely simulates the natural secretion of HGH, it allows receivers and the rest of the body to recover more effectively, and this lead to greater muscle growth in time (although height was examined in the previous study). My advice, therefore, 2 photos per day .028iu/kg of the body through another day, for at least 3 months and preferably within 2-3x, the long and, preferably, in synergy with other compounds we have to take a look around. Buy HGH (somatotropin) You must be a payment of $ 1.75-2.75 per IU of HGH, and since you (inevitably) will buy in the main, you should be paying close to the lower end of that. References: Human Anatomy and Physiology, 6 th edition, John W. Hole jr. J Appl Physiol 94: 2273-2281, 2003. First published February 14, 2003, DOI: 10.1152 Journal of Applied Physiology, Volume 77, Issue 1 23-29, EFFECTS OF RECOMBINANT growth hormone on the accumulation of visceral fat: a pilot study in adolescents infected with HIV. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Apr 19; [Epub ahead of print] Measures of submaximal aerobic performance evaluate and predict functional response to growth hormone (HGH) HGH in the treatment of adults deficits. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. December 1999, 84 (12) :4570-7. Hormonal responses to consecutive days of heavy resistance exercise with or without nutritional supplements. J Appl Physiol, October 1998, 85: 1544 - 1555. And hormonal responses of the growth to strong resistance exercise protocols. J Appl Physiol, October 1990, 69: 1442-1450 High doses of growth hormone has an anabolic effect at rest and during exercise in endurance trained athletes.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Nov; 88 (11) :5221-6. 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Growth hormone enhances effects of endurance training on oxidative muscle metabolism in older women. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, November 2000, 279: 989 - 996. J Gerontol A Biol physical sciences and mathematics Med 1998 May 53 (3): M183-7

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